Leading with Love? Yes, Really! How to Build a Thriving Team Through Appreciation

It’s Valentines Week ❤ and in a conversation with Leta CEO, Nick Joshi, yesterday I was reminded that love was a topic at a recent leadership team meeting.
Leta is a startup; an IOT disruptor based in Nairobi.
They spoke about LOVE as a core value that drives the organization forward.
Love for their clients.
Love for their mission.
Love for one another and the rest of the Leta team.
I was so struck by this. I've been part of many discussions on values over the years and I don't remember the word ‘love’ ever coming up.
And why not? There are many different types of love beyond the romantic variety. Don't we want to cherish, value, and be inspired by those around us? If I can love a cup of coffee ☕ I can certainly love my teammates!
Leaders & managers, let's show our teammates some love! And the unsung heroes of showing people that they’re loved?
Being fully heard and understood is a priceless gift we can give to others so they feel acknowledged and 'seen'.
Taking the time to ask your team members about their ideas, feelings, and experiences and to deeply
listen to what they say shows how much you value them.
Here are 🔟 Questions Worth Asking to get you started.
💜 Ask questions before giving advice.
1️⃣ I’m interested in your perspective. How would you go about solving this issue?
2️⃣ What would be your first step?
🤎 Ask about how they want to grow.
3️⃣ What do you want to learn this year?
4️⃣ What are you hoping for in your career? What could be a first step toward achieving this?
💚 Ask about them as people.
5️⃣ What’s been on your mind recently?
6️⃣ It’s been a difficult two years, what has made it hard for you? How are you doing today?
💛 Ask about how to improve their job.
7️⃣ When do you feel most energized at work? How can we build more of that into your job?
8️⃣ What’s something you’ve always wanted to take on? How can we give you exposure or involvement in this?
❤ Ask about how to improve your relationship.
9️⃣ What could I change as your manager that would make a difference for you?
🔟 If I could adjust one thing that would make your work life better, what would it be?
Show some love, respect, and admiration for your teammates.
Questions and listening are the most powerful and likely underutilized tools in your leadership toolkit. ✨
Here's looking at you Kip Maritim, Nick Joshi, and Anthony Ketter - mad 'We Move' love in Nairobi!