"We Belong To One Another": How Vulnerability Builds Stronger Coaching & Communities

"Stop trying to reach others. Instead, allow yourself to be reached by others; to be touched by them; to be changed by them." ~ Father Greg Boyle
He is the founder of Homeboy Industries, the largest gang intervention, rehabilitation, and re-entry program in the world.
His program welcomes 15,000 gang members a year and helps them to heal and become healthy, contributing members for their families and communities.
His speech this morning was the most powerful I've heard in many years.
Equal parts leader, story teller and inspiration.
A few of his other pearls:
Mentoring is a hallway to get to the ballroom. The ballroom is connection. The ballroom is kinship, belonging, and community.
We must remember that we belong to one another. There is no 'them' and 'us'. There is only us.
Mentors have mentees; Service providers have service recipients - this is hierarchical and creates barriers. Develop relationships where you can't tell who's the mentor and who's the mentee, who's providing the service and who's receiving it.
If we don't embrace our own wounds, we may be tempted to despise the wounded
You are so much more than the worst thing you've ever done.
Receive people fully to inhabit your own truth and mutual nobility.
Do you want to be a better leader?